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What a cuttie apartment!

One thing we know now, Tony does it well.  When he takes on a project, he does a great job.  This little apartment was no different.  Now, we never saw the apartment before he renovated.  But we knew it was an old lady who died and had not made any changes since the last few decades.  So, I can imagine how things were before.  This was a clean modern apartment, as I knew Tony’s space would be. L1140965 It was functional, as expected. It was furnished with every necessity and nothing more, as is his new motto in life these days.  It also had a modern touch with the soft pastel walls and the simple modular furnishings.

The little balcony was especially nice.  L1140967The sun would shine.  The space would light up.  His chairs were inviting as were the magazines that begged to be read.  The apartment was high enough not to be seen but a quick glance down would reveal the world down below.  Pierre spent time in the balcony and declared it successfully comfortable.

The outside window covers were especially remarkable.  The ease of lifting the shutters up and down by pulling the single cord with one hand, made the system  unique. These shutters also added an opaqueness that would cut out the street light and also made the apartment very sound proof.

The kitchen begged to be kept clean.  It was streamline and simple.  There was a walk in pantry filled with various sardine pates, teas and specialty items…not too much but just enough.  We ate out every day.  Just as well since I was almost afraid to cook anything in the kitchen.L1140963  I just did not want to see something burned or broken.  Everything felt so new.  Fortunately Laura insisted that we ate with her every day.  So the only foods we brought in were the Portugese pastries that I insisted on trying every day.  The only thing we made was the coffee in the Nestle coffee maker and that was simple and clean just throwing out the coffee plug with each cup of coffee.

I could tell that this was all Tony would do when he visits here.  So much good food in Portugal why would you cook at home.