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I always want to bring mom and dad to a warm place in January or February.   His lungs and back pain just don’t do well in Vancouver’s wet and drizzily winters.  I can always tell if it is a bad day.  I call…his voice is slower, raspier, and an octave lower.  “Boy you sound terrible” I tell him.

“Yep…it’s going to rain soon’  He always knew.  He was the perfect barometer and always accurate.  better than Mark McDregus from CTV news.

Generally he goes south to Arizona for three weeks but that is never till March.  So January or February is the perfect time to get him away.  It is always a miracle.  The minute he steps off the plane he starts to sound better.  There is a bounce in his steps.

This year I flew with them and Pierre followed a couple of days later after he worked his Friday.  It would be nice to have him here even if it is only six days.  I knew my nephew Noble would be getting married at the end of February so I offered my sister (his mom) to join us in January.  Based on the share calendar, January was my month for Hawaii and February was hers.  She and her husband Mario would stay during my time in January and we would stay an extra three days in February into her month.  It’s complicated, but we figure it out.