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For several years now I have played with the idea of going to a “Health Resort” or some people call it a “ Fat Farm”.  Ever since the TV show, “The Biggest Loser”,  popularized people losing weight, more and more resorts have popped up over North America, all claiming that they have changed lives and helped people get fit, lose weight and generally become another person.


I don’t consider that I am grossly obese but certainly I am overweight and my busyness gets me out of rhythm with staying fit.   With an extremely busy life and more responsibilities coming from work and pleasure and family, I knew that readjusting my life style at home was not the answer.   There is always another event or dinner or visit to deal with and if not that then the work on the farm, on the house and then the grandkids arrive. It is endless. This summer, photos of myself horrified me and there was this constant nagging thought that I must do something. BUT what???


From experience I knew that being away and working exclusively on resetting my barometer really does help reboot my mental motivation. Being away from home and all the projects scattered throughout and outside renders a cleaner mind space to think about what I need to do for me. There is something to be said about being a bit selfish for yourself. This is my time.


So I found The Hills Health Ranch or also known as The Hills Health Spa Resort. It was a difficult decision. The reviews were very extreme from extremely disappointed to the best place to go to get away and relax.   So here is what I found.


Yes it is true that the entire place is tired and in need of many upgrades. The stories of things falling apart is a bit extreme. The place needs paint, carpets replaced, bathrooms replaced, a swimming area replaced and on and on and on. However if you can look past the physical inadequacies, the resort is clean, warm and full of activities that would fill anyone’s day. There is a simplicity in the rustic log cabins. In the end it was the people and the program that won the day.


I chose to come for the 6 day Weight loss package.   I arrived on a Saturday full of hesitation and uncertainty. The front desk was a bit haphazard full of papers everywhere but she did ask if I had eaten and tentatively offered a lunch even though it was 1 in the afternoon. Then I was greeted by what turned out to be my nutritionist who was scheduled for my assessment the next day and she gave me a personal tour around. I later found that she was a former part owner. The food service people stopped to shake my hand. This was not like checking into a hotel. I was given my schedule of events for fitness and counselling and then a choice of what kind of food I preferred.


I found my room typical of an older hotel but clean and warm with another back door leading to a wrap around porch filled with sunlight that day. I chose to walk on my own rather than take the guided tour. It was simply a glorious, sunny warm day and the paths were wide and meandered through the woods, up and down the hills. 1treetreesI walked past the barn with some beautiful healthy horses quietly grazing. It was the first good sign. The animals are well cared.horses

Coming at the end of September is a risk. I was lucky. There had not been much rain and the cold was being held back. The aspens were like shimmering gold coins painted on top of white willowy trunks, grouped together as if there was more strength in being a stand of trees.


My first meal told me that this was going to be allright.


The new chef in place only a few months, must be applauded. For my taste of lighter, healthier and slightly more vegetarian, he presented me with all my wishes. Meal after meal was tasty, creative and I anticipated each meal with excitement. If you are lucky he may make the raw carrot cake which has changed how I want to eat carrot cake.


A very special note for the ladies in the restaurant who spoiled me and greeted me daily as a friend. Tina would tell you about the snacks you get daily and insured that I would not forget to order my snack for the day. They would change my table each day to be near the rays of sun.  I noticed that other tables had the small container of sugar packets and yet wherever I sat there was never this temptation. It is the small things.


I made it to the daily 90 minute hikes at 1:15, because Karin the guide, inspired me with her boundless energy. Her very presence challenged me. She would walk about briskly straightening things, organizing something. Her dogs waiting patiently outside. Then at precisely 1;15 she headed out, with or without a guest. I wondered if it was the German in her that made her so acutely accurate.


The hike was a real grind in the beginning. I was breathless and in a full sweat as I pushed myself to put one foot in front of the other on that last long hill back. I knew Tina would have the kitchen prepare an amazing smoothie which would wait for me in the fridge upon my return. But this was the turning point to my road to a healthier body. The 90 minutes pushed me past my mental set that 30 minutes was good and better than nothing and if I did 45 minutes of exercise…well it was a special day.  90 minutes is the new norm!


It was interesting how they married the exercise, good healthy food intake with seminars.  Everyone was a health professional of some realm. Even if they were semi retired or even retired they were still a physiotherapist, nutritionist, kinesiologist, professional counselor and more. The knowledge they shared was enlightening, perfectly targeted. There are things that even at my age, I learned and will go back home and change permanently in my life. I thank Claire my personal trainer who in her gentle ways, made me hurt just enough daily but her focus was always on me when she worked. I thank Sandy whose counseling will leave me forever changed. I thank Rainer for training me to walk with sticks and giving me permission to walk downstairs backwards.


The Hills has an amazing formula.     I have never experienced a system of health/weight loss that was so holistically presented in a perfect combination of balanced food menu with physical challenges with counseling personal strategies that could lead to physically and mentally repairing, changing or to just plain relaxing yourself into health.


I applaud the new owner who is on a good track to revitalize the resort. There is still a long ways to go. However even as it is now, you deserve to experience The Hills. Just don’t go if you want granite bathrooms, or thin young waifs who are learning to serve people and have not quite understood how to communicate with people. Go and just allow yourself to take all they offer and use it to all your own advantage. Over look the inadequacies. Submerge yourself in the kindness of the people and the wealth of knowledge they offer.  I’m rebooked to go back in November.