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Getting Back on the Wagon of Health

For several years now I have played with the idea of going to a “Health Resort” or some people call it a “ Fat Farm”.  Ever since the TV show, “The Biggest Loser”,  popularized people losing weight, more and more resorts have popped up over North America,...
Tony’s Apartment

Tony’s Apartment

What a cuttie apartment! One thing we know now, Tony does it well.  When he takes on a project, he does a great job.  This little apartment was no different.  Now, we never saw the apartment before he renovated.  But we knew it was an old lady who died and had not...
A few days in Lisbon

A few days in Lisbon

Actually it was a few days in Parede. Laura and Tony live here. They are 30 minute train ride outside the center of Lisbon, near the sea. Parede is a small community where people greet each other on the street. You see old ladies hunched over, heads held together...
Portugal for Food

Portugal for Food

You can’t blame the Portugese for putting their best food up front and center for all to admire and taste.  By the second day we found on Tony’s table the little magazine Time Out.  It tempted us with their new foodie paradise, Time Out Mercado da...
Morgan:  Young Entrepreneur

Morgan: Young Entrepreneur

I know every grandparent has their own sense of amazement and uniqueness about their grandchildren.   At least that is what I hear whenever I hear others speak about their grandchild.   Somehow I feel a need to describe one incident with my granddaughter Morgan...