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Spring Tips for Planting

Well it has been 5 years since I added a post so I decided to add one today about spring planting. Survey the Yard First, look up and assess the trees. Make note of tree limbs that should be removed or cabled, especially those that overhang structures. Hire an...
Hawaii in 2016

Hawaii in 2016

I always want to bring mom and dad to a warm place in January or February.   His lungs and back pain just don’t do well in Vancouver’s wet and drizzily winters.  I can always tell if it is a bad day.  I call…his voice is slower, raspier, and an...

It’s scary out there

Her mannish pants evidently a couple of sizes too large slushed against her legs. Her pinned updo from the 70s tower on the top of her head.  She glares down her nose over her glasses that are sliding off.  “Yeah, yeah, yeah bag check”,  she mutters...
Grandchildren a Day on Ilse de la Madeleine

Grandchildren a Day on Ilse de la Madeleine

  The Gift of Grandchildren:   Grandchildren are very different from our children. We ourselves are different from the days when we were parents.  Older now and past the production years, we have time to want more for grandchildren than we did for our own...

Jim’s Mom

Jim’s mom was dying. As was her way, she never told anyone. She knew last November that she had pancreatic cancer.  Always the gracious lady,  she did not want to put anyone out or for anyone to feel sympathy or either to oblige them to see her and therefore be...